Organic Dream Mix Q&A with Dr. Jason Crean by TOP's Parrot Food

Organic Dream Mix Q&A with Dr. Jason Crean by TOP's Parrot Food

Since the recent introduction of the new Organic Dream Mix for Parrots, we have received a variety of questions about the new product and how it fits into the daily feeding regiments of your birds.

Since the product was formulated with the help of Dr. Jason Crean, we caught up with him for his thoughts on the most common questions:

TOP's: Is the Dream Mix a complete diet?

Dr. Crean: No single bag of any bird food is “complete” and this product should always be part of a diverse diet.

TOP's: Can you soak this product?

Dr. Crean: Yes, the Dream Mix can be soaked overnight. Or you can feed it dry as well.

TOP's: When do you feed it to the birds?

Dr. Crean: Typically, fresh whole foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, sprouts and soaked items should be fed in the morning, when birds are hungriest. If you soak this Dream Mix overnight, it can be fed in the morning with these other fresh items. If fed dry, you can mix with other dry items to offer later in the day after they’ve had access to their fresh foods.

TOP's: What can you add to the Dream Mix?

Dr. Crean: You can mix a variety of whole food items to the Dream Mix, including TOP's cold-pressed pellets as well as some of the products from our other C4AW partners like other seed supplements from China Prairie, freeze dried fruits and vegetables from Texas Natural Freeze-Dried Products, tree nuts from Argires Nuts and Snacks and even freeze-dried insects from Fluker's Farms.

TOP's: What's the difference between the large mix and the small mix?

Dr. Crean: The only difference is the size of the nuts in each bag. In the small mix, the almonds, walnuts and pecans are chopped to appeal to our smaller parrot friends. All of the ingredients are identical in both versions.

One additional question we have received is, “Do you offer free samples of the Dream Mix?” Unfortunately, we do not offer samples as a small sample size bag would not contain an accurate representation of the product and its 14 different ingredients. We can tell you that parrots from Hawaii to Maine have enjoyed the Dream Mix since its introduction and the feedback we have received has been all positive.

We hope you give it a try today.


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